Base Metals Investing C3 Metals Discovers Large-Scale Epithermal Gold-Copper Vein System at Arthurs Seat, Jamaica
Base Metals Investing C3 Metals Intersects 309.0 Metres at 0.44% Copper and 0.33 g/t Gold in First Assays from Bellas Gate Project, Jamaica
Base Metals Investing C3 Metals Intersects 2.79% Copper and 0.59 g/t Gold over 21 Metres, Extending Jasperoide Project, Peru
Base Metals Investing C3 Metals' Deep Drilling Provides Key Evidence of Porphyry System at Jasperoide Project, Peru
Copper Investing C3 Metals Drills 32.4m at 3.75% Copper at Jasperoide Drilling on Deeper Targets Underway
LaFleur Minerals Provides Update on Beacon Mill Restart, Results of Annual General and Special Meeting, and Swanson Gold Deposit Exploration and Drilling Updates