Base Metals Investing Forte Minerals Completes Miscanthus Acquisition from Globetrotters Resource Group
Base Metals Investing Forte Minerals to Acquire the Miscanthus Epithermal Gold and Porphyry Copper Prospects in Central Perú with Environmental Drilling Permit
Base Metals Investing Forte Minerals Engages Stockworks Agency as Investor Relations Consultant to Enhance Communications
Base Metals Investing Forte Minerals Acquires the Alto Ruri Epithermal Gold Prospect Near Barrick's Pierina Mine in Central Perú
Base Metals Investing Forte Minerals Acquires the Alto Ruri Epithermal Gold Prospect Near Barrick's Pierina Mine in Central Perú
Group Eleven Intersects 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb and 51 g/t Ag, incl. 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb and 72 g/t Ag at Ballywire in Step-Out Drilling; Upcoming Drilling at Cu-Ag Target and 'D' Gravity Anomaly