Cannabis Investing PacRoots is Pleased to Announce Profitable First Project with an ROI of 200% and Yield of 105,000 lbs of Hemp CBD
Cannabis Investing Pac Roots Cannabis Corp. CEO Discusses Current Operations and Looks Ahead to a Bright 2021
Cannabis Investing PacRoots Announces Closing of Share Purchase Agreement for 250 Acres in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia
Cannabis Investing Pac Roots Completes Acquisition of Cannabis Act License Applicant and Related Phenome One Genetic Licensing Transaction
Group Eleven Intersects 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb and 51 g/t Ag, incl. 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb and 72 g/t Ag at Ballywire in Step-Out Drilling; Upcoming Drilling at Cu-Ag Target and 'D' Gravity Anomaly