Big News Roundup: Squire Announces Samsung Electronics as Foundry Partner to Manufacture ASIC Chips; NuRAN to Provide Mobile Operators with 2G, 3G, 4G Capabilities from a Single Piece of Equipment; iLOOKABOUT Executes Sales Agreement with Lexur Appraisal to Service Montgomery County, Ohio
Nanotech Investing PHYTEC Buys Two Nano Dimension Professional-Grade 3D Printers Transforming its Additive Electronics Manufacturing
Nanotech Investing Nano Dimension Sells DragonFly 2020 Pro 3D Printer to University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Noble Mineral highlights Successful Exploration Results announced by Canada Nickel, including Highest Grade to Date at Mann West
CHARBONE Hydrogen and ABB Sign Agreement to Advance North American Green Hydrogen Production Facilities
CHARBONE Hydrogene et ABB signent une entente pour accelerer les usines de production d'hydrogene vert en Amerique du Nord