Lomiko's Shoulder Sampling Outlines 210.9 Meters of Graphite Mineralization Grading 7.09% Cg at La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec
Lomiko Announces Remaining Results From the Exploration Drill Program at La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Drills up to 10.37 % Cg over 64.0m at end of Battery Zone along Southeastern Margin
Lomiko Announces Further Results From the Exploration Drill Program at La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Drills up to 6.00% Cg Over 45.0m Along Southwestern Margin of Battery Zone
Lomiko Announces Further Results From the Infill and Extension Exploration Drill Program at Its La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Including a Large Interval of 4.49% Cg Drilled Over 144.3m Including 8.43% Cg Over 55.5m in the Battery Zone
CORRECTING and REPLACING PHOTO Lomiko Announces Further Results From the Infill and Extension Exploration Drill Program at Its La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Including 10.06% Cg over 40.5m in the EV Zone
Lomiko Announces Further Results From the Infill and Extension Exploration Drill Program at Its La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Including 10.06% Cg over 40.5m in the EV Zone
Lomiko Receives 4th Set of High-Grade Results from La Loutre Graphite property in Québec, including 15.09% Cg over 60.0m in the EV Zone
Lomiko Announces Further Results from Its Infill and Extension Exploration Drill Program at the La Loutre Graphite Property in Québec, Including 15.09% Cg over 60.0m in the EV Zone
Noble Mineral highlights Successful Exploration Results announced by Canada Nickel, including Highest Grade to Date at Mann West
CHARBONE Hydrogen and ABB Sign Agreement to Advance North American Green Hydrogen Production Facilities
CHARBONE Hydrogene et ABB signent une entente pour accelerer les usines de production d'hydrogene vert en Amerique du Nord