Base Metals Investing Latin Metals Inc. Invites Shareholders and Investment Community to visit them at Booth 3142 at PDAC 2022 in Toronto, June 13-15
Base Metals Investing Latin Metals and AngloGold Enter into Definitive Option Agreement Regarding Gold Exploration Projects, Salta Province, Argentina
Copper Investing Latin Metals Provides Update on Barrick Earn-In Agreement for Exploration Projects, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
Copper Investing Latin Metals and Barrick Gold Corporation Enter into Earn-In Agreement for Exploration Projects, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
Copper Investing Latin Metals Stakes Three New Copper Exploration Projects, Coastal Copper Belt, Peru
Group Eleven Intersects 7.5m of 20.1% Zn+Pb and 51 g/t Ag, incl. 2.2m of 37.5% Zn+Pb and 72 g/t Ag at Ballywire in Step-Out Drilling; Upcoming Drilling at Cu-Ag Target and 'D' Gravity Anomaly