Chilean Copper Output to Hit Record High in 2013

Base Metals Investing

Bloomberg reported that Chile is forecasting record production this year, with contributions from BHP and a new Codelco mine.

Bloomberg reported that Chile is forecasting record production this year, with contributions from BHP and a new Codelco mine.

As quoted in the market report:

Production from mines rose 3.2 percent last year to 5.43 million metric tons from 5.26 million tons in 2011, Mining Minister Hernan de Solminihac said in a presentation in Santiago today. Output will rise 3 percent to 5.6 million tons this year, exceeding a record 5.56 million tons set in 2007, and total 5.75 million tons in 2014, according to estimates released by the government’s copper commission Cohchilco.

To view the whole Bloomberg report, click here. 

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