King River announced the reverse circulation drill programme at its high grade Mt Remarkable gold project is progressing well.
King River Resources (ASX:KRR) announced the 2,500m reverse circulation drill programme at its high grade Mt Remarkable gold project is progressing well with over 1,350m drilled in 24 holes.
As quoted in the press release:
Drilling at the Trudi Main Grid is complete, where multiple high-grade gold results have been previously reported, including best result of 4m @ 113.29g/t Au including 1m @ 346g/t Au (KRR ASX announcement 4 June 2018). Two new sections have been drilled to extend the Main Grid to the east:
Six holes approximately 5m east of the eastern most high grade intersections from 2018 (including 4m @ 19.88g/t Au including 1m @ 69.3g/t Au, KRR ASX announcement 7 January 2019). These holes intersected a strongly altered and fractured structure with a central quartz-adularia vein. Two holes showed fine gold when panning the sample piles and one hole had visible gold in the adularia vein.
Four holes drilled another 20m to the east intersected similar strong structure and quartz adularia veining.