RNC announced drilling results from its Beta Hunt mine. Results comprise 46 holes totaling 5,766 metres of drilling.
RNC Minerals (TSX:RNX) announced drilling results received to-date from its 100 percent owned Beta Hunt mine. The new underground drill results comprise 46 holes totaling 5,766 metres of drilling that was initiated during the fourth quarter of 2018. Drilling was carried out in both the A zone and Western Flanks areas of the mine, with initial holes focused on more clearly defining the sediment layer in close proximity to the Father’s Day vein discovery and, for the first time, testing the sediment layer in Western Flanks. A further 37 holes totaling 4,198 metres have been drilled for which results are pending.
Highlights are as follows:
- Drilling in Western Flanks targeting sediment layer, resource extension and infill drilling
32 holes totaling 3,748 metres have been completed to assist in defining the resource and mapping the sediment layer within the Western Flanks shear zone, which hosts the potential for high grade coarse gold. Assay results have been received for 19 holes totaling 2,350 metres. WFN-029 yielded a drill intersection containing high grade coarse gold which assayed 7,621 grams per tonne (g/t) over 0.27 metres (true width) located within 45 metres of existing development. This result, which is the first high grade coarse gold found at the intersection of the sediment layer within the Western Flanks shear, is consistent with RNC’s interpretation that the newly discovered sedimentary layer carries the potential for multiple new high grade discoveries.Key intersections include (all estimated true widths):
- WFN-017 – 3.98 g/t over 14.24 metres, Â
- WFN-023 – 4.36 g/t over 10.57 metres, including 7.53 g/t over 5.00 metres and 4.69 g/t over 7.36 metres
- WFN-029 – 1,017.3 g/t over 2.00 metres including 7,621 g/t over 0.27 metres and 6.09 g/t over 8.65 metres
- WFN-036 – 6.86 g/t over 7.28 metres and 4.34 g/t over 9.86 metres
- The 7,621 g/t drill intersection in WFN-029 is, to the company’s knowledge, the highest grade drill intersection by any reporting company since 2017 – only Kirkland Lake’s Fosterville mine and Pretium Resources Brucejack mine have yielded higher grade intersections over the past 4 years.
Drilling in A zone targeting sediment layer in close proximity to Father’s Day vein, resource extension and infill drilling
51 holes totaling 6,216 metres were completed along the A Zone shear in multiple directions from the Father’s Day Vein and at the northern limit of the A Zone resource (see Figure 3). Results have been received for 27 holes totaling 3,416 metres. The holes allow the intersection of the sediment and A Zone shear to be more clearly mapped, and infill and extend the A Zone resource. Hole AZ15-013 returned 1,406 g/t over 0.50 metres true width located just 7 metres below the Father’s Day Vein (see Figure 4).Key intersections include (all true widths):
- AZ13-145 – 4.53 g/t over 4.66 metres
- AZ15-006 – 3.73 g/t over 11.77 metres, including 5.59 g/t over 4.79 metres,
- AZ15-007 – 3.90 g/t over 9.50 metres, including 12.52 g/t over 0.99 metres and 16.33 g/t over 0.86 metres,
- AZ15-013 – 119.37 g/t over 6.4 metres including 1,406 g/t over 0.50 metres
- AZ15-019 – 3.74 g/t over 3.44 metres,
- AZ15-020 – 4.02 g/t over 5.58 metres,
- AZ15-022 – 3.61 g/t over 11.52 metres, including 4.63 g/t over 6.74 metres and 3.77 g/t over 2.36 metres,
- AZ15-025 – 3.60 g/t over 7.49 metres
Mark Selby, president and CEO, commented:
After the historic Father’s Day Vein discovery, we have taken steps to test the theory that the newly identified property-wide sedimentary layer carries the potential for further high grade discoveries in the four main shear zones at Beta Hunt. This potential has been highlighted by one of our first set of holes at Western Flanks targeting the sediment layer in one small section of the shear that yielded a 7,621 g/t intersection of coarse gold – which to our knowledge is the highest grade drill intersection by any reporting company since 2017 and is located within 45 metres of our existing development.  The second high-grade intersection located in the A Zone shear just 7 metres below the Father’s Day Vein highlights the potential for further high grade coarse gold from this shear. RNC is in an enviable position with the recently completed financing, and a 40,000 metre drill program underway to unlock the significant exploration potential at Beta Hunt. A more comprehensive drilling update will be provided in February.
Click here to read the whole RNC (TSX:RNX) press release.