GT Gold Continues to Deliver High Grade Intercepts at Saddle South Including 10.18 g/t Au over 6.87 Metres at 467 Metres Down-Hole in Hole TTD038
GT Gold Corp. (“GT Gold” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE:GTT) is pleased to report continued high-grade assays from drilling at its Saddle gold discovery, located 10 kilometres off highway 37 on the Company’s 100%-owned Tatogga property in northwestern British Columbia, Canada. Results for 9 Saddle South core holes are reported in this news release. Of particular note, …
GT Gold Corp. (“GT Gold” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE:GTT) is pleased to report continued high-grade assays from drilling at its Saddle gold discovery, located 10 kilometres off highway 37 on the Company’s 100%-owned Tatogga property in northwestern British Columbia, Canada. Results for 9 Saddle South core holes are reported in this news release. Of particular note, hole TTD038 has extended gold mineralization to approximately 500 metres down-dip from surface intersecting 10.18 g/t Au over 6.87 metres, confirming expectations conveyed by visuals and XRF readings (see news release dated Sept. 18). Mineralization continues to be open at depth and along strike in both directions.
As quoted in the press release:
“Saddle South continues to deliver excellent high-grade results,” says Kevin Keough, President & CEO. “And now we have confirmed that mineralization continues at depth. In only four months we have accomplished 1,500 metres of RC drilling and 16,000 metres of core drilling and have achieved one of the most significant new gold discoveries of the past several years in B.C. The target area continues to offer terrific exploration upside.”