MOD: A1 Dome Delivers Significant Copper in Initial Drilling
The director of MOD said the results validate the exploration model being used to locate NPF contact mineralization which may form a locally flat lying blanket along this regional geological contact.
MOD Resources (ASX:MOD) has reported substantial downhole widths of disseminated chalcocite mineralization and high grade Ngwako Pan Formation (NPF) contact mineralization in the initial phase of drilling to test the potential of the large A1 Dome in the Kalahari copper belt in Botswana.
As highlighted in the press release:
- Six widely spaced drill holes completed at A1 Dome, 22km from T3 copper project
- Exceptional downhole widths of disseminated copper intersected in two holes at A1 Dome: MO-A1-005D: 130m at 0.52 percent copper and 3.5 grams per tonne (g/t) silver from 590m, MO-A1-006D: 52m at 0.61 percent copper and 4.6 g/t silver from 624m, including 1.4m at 3.8 percent copper and 26 g/t silver on NPF Contact
- Drilling again confirms model for discovering substantial mineralization within domes
Director of MOD, Julian Hanna said:
“The six hole program intended to scope out the potential along a 4km section of the A1 Dome has been very successful in intersecting significant mineralization over a wide area. While drilling is still at an early stage, the big widths of disseminated copper and high grades intersected on the NPF contact demonstrate the excellent potential of this large structurally complex dome and the regional copper-belt scale opportunity.
The results also validate the exploration model being used to locate NPF contact mineralization which may form a locally flat lying blanket along this regional geological contact. NPF contact mineralization has been intersected in many holes below the vein hosted and disseminated mineralization in the A4 Dome and has now been intersected in the A1 Dome ~25km to the east.”
Drilling at the A1 Dome is now on hold while results are being interpreted and a high level conceptual underground mining study is being undertaken on the potential of the NPF contact.”
Click here to read the full MOD Resources (ASX:MOD) press release.