Dubber Witnesses 200 Percent Increase in Revenues

Australia Investing

With new subscribers rising over 165 percent year-over year to 117,000, the company’s share price has nearly doubled year-to-date.

Dubber (ASX:DUB), a company focused on cloud calling software, announced a soaring 200 percent rise in revenues, reaching AU$2.15 million compared to the same time last year. New subscribers helped accelerate growth as subscriptions rose 165 percent during the same period.

As quoted in the press release:

“We’ve continued to focus on accelerating our momentum across all core markets. We’ve invested significant energy and resources in accelerating our growth and team composition in North AMerica, Europe and Asia Pacific. Fundamentally, we have scaled our operations from a ‘Founder led’ company to one which is able to execute on the opportunities which are in multiple jurisdictions.

We are continuing to see strong uptake and engagement with our global service provider partners and have been particularly pleased about our momentum with our relationship with Cisco/BroadSoft as Cisco Webex Calling commenced its global sales roll out in the September quarter. Cisco are expected to announce via a product release, that the recording service is live and available to order today, (31 October 2019, USA time), to meet existing demand with the service to be provided via the Cisco price list and order entry system in coming weeks. This will signify a major milestone for Dubber.

Click here to read the full press release.

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