Graph Blockchain CEO Discusses Contracts with Samsung and LG

Graph Blockchain Inc. (CSE:GBLC) President and CEO Peter Kim was featured in an video released by BTV Business Television.
Graph Blockchain Inc. (CSE:GBLC) President and CEO Peter Kim was featured in an video released by BTV Business Television. In the video, Kim provided a brief overview of Graph Blockchain, the upcoming catalysts in the industry and the agreements that the company has in place with IBM (NYSE:IBM), Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. (OTCMKTS:SSNLF) and LG Electronics Inc. (KRX:066570).
“Graph Blockchain is a database management company that utilizes IBM’s hyper-ledger technology to provide a a blockchain-based management solution that provides unparalleled processing speeds for our enterprise clients,” explained Kim. “We’re a blockchain solutions provider with revenues over $1 million that we’ve booked within nine months.”
Graph Blockchain has filed for four patents, two of which are pending approval. However, the company is looking to expand its intellectual property (IP) portfolio and will be filing an additional 10 patents in the near future. Kim then went on to highlight that the company’s two major clients are Samsung and LG. Additionally, Graph Blockchain has been focusing on data management in the logistics and global trade platforms – especially in high-growth areas, such as Canada’s growing cannabis industry.
As to the future of blockchain, Kim believes that the technology has become an industry bench marker and that it will become an industry standard moving forward.
To watch the full video, click here.
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