Renforth Identifies Bulk Sample Target on New Alger’s Discovery Vein Gold Occurrence

Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR) is pleased to announce that stripping work completed in the Fall of 2017 has identified an ~565m2 bulk sample target area with an average grade of 0.76 g/t Au located in two veins.
Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR) is pleased to announce that stripping work completed in the Fall of 2017 has identified an ~565m2 bulk sample target area with an average grade of 0.76 g/t Au located in two veins. This target area is located within the stripped 230m of the known ~450m strike of the Discovery Vein Horizon, located ~250m south of the Thompson-Cadillac Mine Area.
“The Discovery Vein work is the foundation from which we are pursuing a re-examination of the New Alger Property and the relationship between the Veins, the Mine Area and the Cadillac Break. We know we have ~450m of Discovery Veins, with longer strike suggested by geophysics, and a cross-cutting fault that joins the Mine Area and the Veins, with similarities between the two. Our wholly owned New Alger property and its’ 1.4km of the mineralized Cadillac Break has become much more interesting with this similar, joined structure whose extent is not yet defined” states Nicole Brewster, President and CEO of Renforth.
Discovery Vein Stripping Program
In 2013 fieldwork led to the discovery of a set of blasted trenches, dated to the original property discovery in the 1920’s, on a blue quartz vein network located in the Pontiac sediments south of the mine. This veining is visually similar to veins closely associated with gold mineralization in the Thompson-Cadillac Mine Area deposit with comparable dip and strike. Initial sampling returned a range of values at surface up to 3.11 g/t Au over 0.7m. Follow-up work in 2014 discovered a second vein exposure 120m east, initial surface sampling returned values as high as 12.33 g/t Au over 0.7m. The 2017 stripping program was planned to join these exposures and explore the area along strike. The resulting 230m exposure was chipped, stripped, washed, drone surveyed and mapped in detail. North-south channels were cut every 10m across the entire east-west strike, covering all the ground exposed whether seemingly mineralized or not, in mineralized areas channels were ~5m apart. Additional channels were cut over paralell exposed veins outside of the main stripped area. The channel sampling done was deep and wide enough to result in a volume of material comparable to drilling PQ diameter core horizontally on the surface. A property wide geological interpretation has been commenced with the resultant data, as well as thin-section analysis and comparison to thin-section work done on deposit area core. Findings of those initiatives will be released once available.
Discovery Vein Bulk Sample Target
Most of the samples taken were located within an east-west band of chloritization and alteration within the sediments, an area which correlates with both historic blasting and historic underground development work from the 300 foot level of the mine, for which no detailed records exist. Many of the samples correlate with visual sightings of fine native gold and modest arsenopyrite mineralization. Unlike at the Thompson-Cadillac mine the arsenopyrite does not seem to be a significant gold reservoir. All of the higher assaying samples contained quartz or quartz-carbonate veins or veinlets. The area outlined for potential sampling is indicated in red below. As Renforth has identified the presence of free gold/nugget effect, and has significant material from the sampling program still on hand after the initial lab analysis, management is considering amalgamating this material for metallurgical test work in order to get a more representative gold grade for the identified area, prior to bulk sampling.
Discovery Vein Bulk Sample Target East
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Discovery Vein Bulk Sample Target West
To view the graphic in its original size, please click here
Geological Interpretation
A high level geological re-interpretation of the Mine Area deposit, the Discovery Vein showing and other known gold mineralization of the property, and any potential relationship between all of these, is currently ongoing.
A detailed geological description is as follows, excerpted from the recently filed work report for the program1;
Structural Controls on Mineralized Veining
Martin Demers’s interpretation discerned three distinct generations of veining:
1: an early, grey quartz-albite pegmatitic vein set,
2: the mineralized blue-grey quartz vein system, with rare tourmaline.
3: a later white quartz overprint.
The blue-grey vein set is contained within a high-strain, chlorite-biotite-altered zone, with a thickness of about two to five metres, and is generally bounded on at least one side by detachment faults or shears. These detachments are subparallel to foliation, and can be seen to follow both fold axes and fold limbs at outcrop scale. Mafic sills, in the order of 10 to 30 cm thick and altered to a chlorite-carbonate schist, follow these detachments and can be traced over 60-70 m. It is unclear if the stripped area exposes a single high-strain zone with local displacements, or an en-echelon system with multiple zones. The system is tentatively visible in 2014 ground magnetic survey data.
Cross-cutting fractures and faults have a strong influence on the width of blue-grey quartz vein set: in at least two instances, blue-grey veining becomes considerably better developed on the immediate west wall of subvertical cross-cutting faults (in the “Blowout” area plus in the centre of the stripped area). These may simply represent vertical displacement or there may be an active control on vein emplacement, e.g. through dilation on one side of the fault. This relationship appears to hold true in the main New Alger deposit in the Piche Group, as tentatively revealed in historic Thompson Cadillac mine plans available to Minroc. When dips and strikes are compared on stereonet and rose diagrams, it can be seen that cross-cutting structures at the Discovery Veins have a broadly comparable attitude to known cross-cutting structures in the Cadillac Break on nearby properties. Any genetic or spatial relationship that exists between gold mineralization along the Cadillac Break should therefore also hold true on second-order structures within the Pontiac Group.
Renforth has issued a total of 2,350,000 options with a strike price of $0.05 to directors, management and consultants of the Company.
Mark Wellstead P.Geo, OGQ Special Authorization #388 of Minroc Management is a “qualified person” pursuant to the guidelines of National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this press release.
Le présent communiqué est disponible en français sur la page web de Renforth.
1”Report on the September-October 2017 Stripping Program at the Discovery Veins Gold Occurrence, New Alger Property, Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Quebec for Renforth Resources Inc.” Prepared by Mark Wellstead MGeol P.Geo, OGQ Special Authorization #388, Brian H. Newton P.Geo, Francis Newton BSc, GIT, January 26, 2018
For further information please contact:
Renforth Resources Inc.
Nicole Brewster
President and Chief Executive Officer
#200 – 65 Front St. E, Toronto, ON M5E 1B5
No securities regulatory authority has approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release.
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This news release contains forward-looking statements and information under applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘plan’, ‘expect’, ‘believe’, ‘anticipate’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’ and similar words referring to future events and results. Such statements and information are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the risks of obtaining necessary approvals, licenses and permits and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in the Company’s securities filings available at Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and the reader is cautioned against placing undue reliance thereon. Forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided and the Company assumes no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.
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Source: Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE:RFR)
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