Renforth Discovers New Mineralized Zone in Cadillac Break at Wholly Owned New Alger

Renforth Resources Inc. is pleased to announce the discovery of a new gold bearing zone north of the historic Thompson-Cadillac Mine mineralized veins.
Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE:RFR, OTCPINK:RFHRF) (“Renforth” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the discovery of a new gold bearing zone north of the historic Thompson-Cadillac Mine mineralized veins, within the Cadillac Break, at New Alger. The “sericite” zone was intersected in all 3 Cadillac Break holes, for an initial strike length of 200m, with pierce points between approx. 150 and 250 m vertical depth. This newly discovered zone is open on strike and down-dip. REN-19-35, the first Cadillac Break hole, contained a fleck of visible gold within the sericite zone.
The November 2019 program consisted of 10 holes, in 2057 metres, each targeting previously un-drilled areas of the New Alger property, specifically the Discovery Veins area, exploring for down-dip extension of surface gold mineralization, and the historic mine area, looking for down-dip extension of gold mineralization encountered in previous drill holes and with the specific aim of exploring the Cadillac Break north of the mine. The mine area exploration holes, in the vicinity of the Thompson-Cadillac #2 shaft and westwards, were allowed to continue past the point where all previous historic and modern drilling was stopped, drilling north into the Cadillac Break, entirely unexplored virgin ground on one of Canada’s most prolific gold structures. Each of the 10 holes drilled successfully hit the targeted surface Discovery Vein mineralization, the 3 mine veins, and new zones, each containing the mineralogy typically found with gold on this property. Samples from the mineralized areas of these drill holes have been sent for assay and will be reported upon once the results are available.
Discovery Vein Drillholes
The first 7 holes in the drill program are the first ever holes drilled into the “Discovery Veins”, located in the Pontiac sediments ~250m south of the mine area, re-discovered and stripped over 270m by Renforth, this mineralized system consists of numerous surface quartz vein sets, swarms and blowouts which are gold bearing. The system is proven to extend to the west on Renforth’s property under shallow overburden. This discovery, which pinches and swells on surface from veins of less than 1m in width to a mineralized package up to 15m in width in places, is interpreted to represent a splay of the Cadillac Break mineralization, has never before been drilled.
REN-19-28 collared in the eastern ATV/access trail to the stripped area and drilled south this hole was designed to undercut a surface sample of 2.19 g/t Au over 0.55m, obtained in the August 2019 stripping program (press release Aug. 27/19) and the Discovery Vein stripped area. This 204m hole drilled at -45 dip encountered alteration/vein material in core between 92-101m, 129-132m and 189-192m as measured down hole in core. Chlorite and biotite alteration was present in the hole, along with arsenopyrite and pyrite mineralization.
REN-19-29 collared in the eastern end of the stripped area and drilled north this 75m hole, at -45 dip, targeting the Discovery Veins intersected greywacke with numerous quartz vein sets from 27-40m measured in core and additional quartz veins sets from 51-55m and 68-70m. Chlorite and biotite alteration often surrounds the veins, local disseminations of arsenopyrite and pyrite are also present.
REN-19-30 collared on the same set up as REN-19-29 this hole was drilled north for 111m at a dip of -60, encountering greywacke with vein sets from 39-54m as well as sporadic veins for the remainder of the hole. Biotite and chlorite alteration were often seen within and along vein walls. Local disseminations of fine to medium pyrite is found along veining from 30-40m and 60-90m. Fine to medium grained arsenopyrite is found within and around some veins at 41-42m, 53m, 66m, 81-88m and 103m.
REN-19-31 collared in the central area of the Discovery Veins, in an area blasted historically. This hole was drilled south for 75m at an angle of -45 and intersected minor quartz veining from 14-29m and major veining in several instances from 46-47.1m, 47.5-48.1m and 51.9-52.25m. Biotite is present in the greywacke over most of the hole, arsenopyrite in various concentrations also occurs.
REN-19-32 collared on the same set up as REN-19-32 this hole was drilled north for 114m. Occasional small veins were present throughout the hole with background biotite alteration and trace arsenopyrite.
REN-19-33 collared at the western end of the stripped area this hole was drilled south for 75m at a dip of -45, encountering biotite alteration through most of the hole. This hole contained significant veining, with quartz lenses present from 20-22m and a large quartz/albite vein from 31.4-32.5m with an irregular breccia-welded texture and schistose wallrock fragments within it. Pyrite is present in many areas, from 35.9-39.8m and 44-46.8m there are 2 zones of disseminated arsenopyrite mineralization.
REN-19-34 collared on the same set up as REN-19-33 this hole was drilled south for 111m at a dip of -60, encountering numerous quartz vein zones and a possible volcanic unit which was partly silicified.
Cadillac Break Drillholes
The final 3 holes in the drill program targeted the mineralized veins of the mine area, within the Piche volcanics, which, in the Thompson-Cadillac Mine area, are interlayered with the schist of the Cadillac Break. In addition to this the intent was to drill further north than has been previously done, ideally through the volcanics and into the Cadillac sediments to the north. Due to a combination of budget constraints and the widening of the Cadillac Break the Cadillac sediments have not yet been reached. Renforth did successfully intersect the never before drilled albitite which was noted as present on a 1929 Quebec Bureau of Mines map over ~100 feet in the northern crosscut from the Thompson-Cadillac Mine. In addition to intersecting this Renforth discovered new zones, specifically a gold bearing sericite zone within the schist of the Cadillac Break.
REN-19-35 collared in the central area of the property, near the Thompson-Cadillac #2 (100 foot deep) shaft, this hole was drilled north for 335.1m at an angle of -45, intersecting two major and three smaller zones of mineralization within the Piche volcanics including 45.4-58m and 86.1-94.3m measured in core. Within the schist occurred sediments with alteration and mineralization at 124.7-153.2m and 186.5-198m, in additional a complex zone from 216-240.8m included talc schist, biotite schist and the sericite alteration zone, in this hole with visible gold. Massive albitite was encountered from 240.8-248.9, appearing as very pale grey porphyritic unit with trace arsenopyrite and pyrite within its groundmass. This hole terminated in volcanics with, at the very end of the hole, a small amount of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite that appears to be a coarse grained gabbro with chalcopyrite as a fracture fill.
REN-19-36 collared 100m west of REN-19-35 this hole was drilled north 480m at a dip of -60, targeting a down-dip extension of several REN-10-05 gold intervals, including 3.10 g/t Au over 18.2m including 8.7 g/t Au over 2.5m (press release Feb 24/11) in addition to again drilling further north into the Break. The targeted extension was obtained, intersections in this hole included 158.5-178.6m, interpreted as vein #1, 194-212m, interpreted as vein #2, 238-257m, interpreted as vein #3, the sericite zone from 350.9-355.1m and the albitite zone from 468.7-472.8m, all as measured in the core box.
REN-19-37 collared 100m west of REN-19-36 this hole was also, in part, undercutting a prior hole, REN-10-08 which had several gold intersections including 1.07 g/t Au over 7m (press release Feb 24/11) in addition to drilling further north into the Cadillac Break. This hole successfully intersected the 3 mine area veins in addition to the other zones seen in the prior two holes.
All three of the Cadillac Break holes intersected numerous lenses of volcanics within schist, none reaching the northern contact of the Break and the Cadillac sediments, the Break is interpreted (with limited data) to widen as it moves west within these three holes.
Samples selected in drill core are being split and delivered to the lab for fire assay for gold. Selected samples will be assayed for full elemental results.
Technical information in this press release was reviewed and approved by Brian H. Newton P.Geo, a “Qualified Person” pursuant to NI 43-101.
For further information please contact:
Renforth Resources Inc.
Nicole Brewster
President and Chief Executive Officer
#269 – 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering ON L1V 1B5
Renforth Resources Inc. is a Toronto-based gold exploration company with five wholly owned surface gold bearing properties located in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.
In Quebec Renforth holds the New Alger and Parbec properties, in the Cadillac and Malartic gold camps respectively, with gold present at surface and to some depth, located on the Cadillac Break. In both instances additional gold bearing structures, other than the Cadillac Break, have been found on each property and require additional exploration. Renforth also holds Malartic West, contiguous to the western boundary of the Canadian Malartic Mine property, located in the Pontiac Sediments, this property is gold bearing and was the recent site of a copper discovery. In addition to this Renforth has optioned the wholly owned Denain-Pershing gold bearing property, located near Louvicourt, Quebec, to O3 Mining Inc.
In Ontario Renforth holds the Nixon-Bartleman surface gold occurrence west of Timmins Ontario, drilled, channeled and sampled over 500m – this historic property also requires additional exploration to define the extent of the mineralization.
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