Premier Gold Mines Limited provided an update of mineral reserves and mineral resources effective December 31, 2017 at the company’s Mercedes Mine.
Premier Gold Mines Limited (TSX:PG) provided an update of mineral reserves and mineral resources effective December 31, 2017 at the company’s Mercedes Mine in the State of Sonora, Mexico.
Highlights are as follows:
- Mineral reserves of 417,000 ozs gold at 3.94 g/t net of mining depletionsince June 30, 2016
- A 34% increase in measured and indicated resource to 511,000 ounces at 4.32 g/t
- A 23% increase in inferred mineral resources to 220,000 ozs gold at 4.2 g/t
Ewan Downie, president & CEO, commented:
Replacing reserves and expanding resources net of depletion, since acquisition, demonstrates our ability to extend the mine life at Mercedes. Improved reserve and resource visibility will continue to be a top priority as we optimize our long-term goal of safe, low-cost production. A priority for 2018-19 will be to complete underground infrastructure to support definition drilling of the high-grade Marianas Zone in order to move the deposit into the future mine plan.
Click here to read the full Premier Gold Mines Limited (TSX:PG) press release.