Digital Journal reports that the Chinese magnesium market is on the cusp of change as producers are under government orders to phase out old and inefficient production technologies, undertake mergers and acquisitions, and improve resource management.
Digital Journal reports that the Chinese magnesium market is on the cusp of change as producers are under government orders to phase out old and inefficient production technologies, undertake mergers and acquisitions, and improve resource management.
As quoted in the market news:
These changes are occurring against a backdrop of renewed magnesia investment in the rest of the world. New projects and capacity expansions in countries such as Brazil (Magnesita Refratários), Norway (RHI AG), Russia (Magnezit Group) and Turkey (RHI, Kümaş and others) have been encouraged by tightening export supplies and higher prices from China, which also leads world magnesia trade. Companies in the rest of the world have outlined plans to develop 1.8Mtpy of additional magnesia capacity between 2011 and 2015. As much as 500,000tpy of this has already come online.
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