Removal of Export Tax Gives Electrolytic Manganese Metal Trade a Push in Q1

Battery Metals

Platts reported that China’s electrolytic manganese metal trade moved up in the first quarter of 2013, supported by the removal of a 20 percent export tax as of January 1.

Platts reported that China’s electrolytic manganese metal trade moved up in the first quarter of 2013, supported by the removal of a 20 percent export tax as of January 1.

As quoted in the market report:

Guizhou province in China, which suspended exports over two years due to the 20% export tax, resumed exports this year, according to the Guizhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The province exported 2,516 mt of electrolytic manganese metal to Japan, South Korea and Russia in the first quarter of the year, totaling $6.78 million, according to data from the bureau.

To view the whole Platts report, click here. 

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