Zephyr Expands Footprint in Colorado – Acquires Green Mountain Copper-Gold property
Zephyr Minerals has announced the addition of the Green Mountain copper-gold property to its holdings in west-central Colorado.
Zephyr Minerals (TSXV:ZFR) has announced the addition of the Green Mountain copper-gold property to its holdings in west-central Colorado.
Zephyr describes Green Mountain as approximately 10 km southwest of the Dawson gold property, and comprising one patented and 33 unpatented lode mining claims totalling 276 hectares (682 acres).
“The one patented claim of the Green Mountain project was purchased for US$25,000 in an arm-length transaction and the 33 unpatented lode-mining claims were acquired through staking. Assay results of 17 grab samples collected on a reconnaissance traverse on the patented claim were very encouraging with five exceeding 1 gram per tonne (g/t) gold including one sample of malachitic garnetiferous biotite aplite which assayed 13.6 g/t gold. This rocktype is one of the principal gold hosts at Dawson and points to the high gold prospectivity of Green Mountain. Grab samples are selected samples and are not representative of the mineralization hosted on the property.”
President and CEO of Zephyr, Loren Komperdo said:
“Green Mountain shows high potential for Dawson style gold mineralization and the inferred strike length of approximately 2.5 km represents a 58 percent increase over the 4.28 km length of the Dawson Property. With a new expanded total of 6.78 km of potential gold mineralized shear zone to explore, the scope of Zephyr’s gold project in Colorado has become considerably more robust. “
Click here to read the full Zephyr Minerals (TSXV:ZFR) press release.