Panoro Announces Test Results for Antilla Copper Project in Peru
Testing done in early 2018 has come back with higher recovery percentages for the company’s Peru copper project.
Panoro (TSXV:PML) has announced the results of column leach testing of the supergene secondary sulphides at its Antilla copper project in Peru.
According to the release, the column leach testing indicates that copper extractions of up to 77 percent are potentially achievable from the secondary sulfides. The PEA results announced in May 2018 included an estimated 72.5 percent copper recovery over a 200 day span from the secondary sulfides. The PEA mine plan included 117 million tonnes of secondary sulphide or 98 percent of the feed to the heap leach pad. The column test work was initiated early in 2018 while the PEA was underway but final results were not available until July 2018. The recoveries estimated for the PEA were derived from bottle roll and mineralogic test work available at the time of the completion of the PEA. Based on the foregoing 75 percent copper extraction in 200 days is an appropriate figure to use for PEA level studies.
President and CEO of Panoro, Luquman Shaheen said:
“We are pleased that the column leach tests indicate the potential for recoveries higher than estimated by the bottle roll tests included in the PEA estimate. A potential increase in recoveries will further enhance the economics of this already robust project. Additional testing is planned as part of feasibility studies for the Antilla project. The company is currently reviewing strategic alternatives to advance the Antilla project into feasibility studies, permitting and development.”
Click here to read the full Panoro Minerals (TSXV:PML) press release.