Only two appeals were lodged with the Environmental Appeals Board, with one subsequently withdrawn and the other the company said it was about issues already addressed.
Excelsior Mining (TSX: MIN) has released an update saying that with respect to the class III underground injection control area permit for the Gunnison copper project in Arizona, the 30-day appeal period has officially ended
As quoted in the press release:
A total of two appeals were filed with the Environmental Appeals Board; however, one of these appeals was subsequently withdrawn prior to the termination of the appeal period.
The remaining appeal raises no new objections that were not previously addressed as part of the comprehensive permit review process that was undertaken by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Excelsior’s view is that this lone appeal will not be successful, and the company intends to use all available legal means to have this appeal dismissed as soon as possible.
Click here to read the full Excelsior Mining (TSX:MIN) press release.