Strategic acquisitions and additional tenement applications at the Nardoo Rare Metals Project and Poona Project expand the Company’s footprint in these highly prospective regions.
The Directors of eMetals Limited (ASX:EMT)(eMetals)(Company) are pleased to submit the Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B for the quarter ending 30 September 2020.
• Strategic acquisitions and additional tenement applications at the Nardoo Rare Metals Project and Poona Project expand the Company’s footprint in these highly prospective regions.
• Skarnified amphibolite identified at New Well at the Nardoo Rare Metals Project confirming REE mineralisation is widespread, associated with hydrothermal alteration, and confirms the Company model of REE skarns and REE bearing pegmatites. The New Well REE occurrence is defined by rock chip samples of altered granite and skarnified amphibolite with up to 584ppm TREO+Y, including enriched heavy rare earth elements.
• Significant Lithium-Caesium-Tantalum (LCT) type pegmatite array identified at the Poona Rare Metals Project over an approximate 4.3-kilometre-long by 1.3-kilometrewide zone where earlier surface geochemical programs identified extreme Caesium and Rubidium enrichments (up to 0.31% Cs, 1.33% Rb). Further soil (650) and rock chip (230) samples were collected by the Company during the quarter. Results are pending.
• A second auger program was completed at the Twin Hills Gold Project which has identified two additional target areas in addition to the target area identified from the phase one auger program completed in July this year. A POW has been lodged and an RC drilling program is scheduled to commence upon regulatory approval.
eMetals Director Mathew Walker commented: “The Company continues to aggressively advance each of its highly prospective projects and is delighted with the results of field activities undertaken during the quarter. Strategic acquisitions have added to a range of opportunities in a range of strategic metals, that are being progressed toward drill testing, based on strong technical work.”