5 Top Mobile Web News Stories of 2018

Emerging Technology

Mobile web use continued to rise in 2018. Here we cover our five most popular mobile news stories of the year.

Another year has gone by, and we continue to see mobile use on the rise. On the sidewalk, on the train, in the workplace — it’s hard to go just about anywhere without seeing mobile phones out.

It’s gotten to the point that some studies have shown that American users check their phones up to 80 times per day. Social and mental health implications aside, that means companies need to be where consumers are spending most of their time, which is on mobile devices.

For that reason, companies at all ends of the spectrum have developed apps, ensuring they are capitalizing on this ever-expanding space.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve reported on a range of mobile web-related stories that have caught the attention of our investor audience. Here we take a look back at the most-read mobile news stories we published over the year. If you missed them then it’s not too late — you can read them below.

1. Peeks Social Provides Update to Portfolio Expansions

First on our top mobile news stories list is this piece on Peeks Social (TSXV:PEEK), a Canadian e-commerce firm based in Toronto. The company has a live-streaming platform on its app that connects businesses and consumers. It’s focused on mobile, and helps businesses develop social media and social commerce products.

This popular article, published in May, highlights the mobile app company’s plans and expansions for the year, including its own prepaid Visa (NYSE:V) card. Read on for more details.

2. Grit Capital: eSports Will Flourish

Our second mobile news piece of the year is an eSports story. It covers an event hosted by Grit Capital, a capital markets advisory firm run by two women, Genevieve Roch Decter and Nicole Marchand.

The two have been hosting events to spread the word about the industries they believe are the most auspicious, and have put a spotlight on eSports. Continue reading to find out how eSports compares to professional sports leagues, and what the revenue potential is.

3. Facebook Share Price Rises Following Zuckerberg Testimony to Congress

Next on our mobile news stories list is this article on Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In April, he was hauled before US Congress to defend himself and his company regarding allegations of monopoly, as well as infringement on the general public’s privacy.

How did the company’s share price respond? What was the outcome? Click here to find out.

4. Instagram Adds New Payment Options for Select Users

Another mobile news story that caught attention from our investor audience was the announcement that social media giant and mobile app Instagram had introduced a new payment option. This new feature allows users to purchase right from the app, bolstering its appeal for businesses.

How did the market react? Check out the rest of the story here.

5.Google vs. Oracle Lawsuit Resurrected by Federal Court

Finally, our last mobile news story focuses on the resurrection of a $9-billion lawsuit brought by Oracle (NYSE:ORCL) against Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) in 2010. Oracle took Google to court at that time for allegedly using its copyrighted work to complete the build out of its Android smartphone operating system back in 2009.

Continue reading to find out what the implications are for this move for the companies and their shareholders.

Which mobile news caught your eye this year? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Don’t forget to follow us @INN_Technology for real-time news updates!

Securities Disclosure: I, Amanda Kay, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

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