The resource markets were among the best performers in 2010 with several commodities setting price records. While the common perception is that gold dominated the headlines, a look at the most read content on Dig Media’s Resource Investing News Network shows that investors this past year were more interested in rare earths, uranium and lithium.
Number One: Top Lithium Producers
Dave Brown gives an overview of some the lithium sector’s top producing miners as well as a few promising companies in the development and exploration stages.
Number Two: World Class Rare Earth Deposits
Leia Michele Toovey explains the geological variance in rare earth metal deposits as well as what makes for a world class deposit.
Number Three: Uranium Exchange Traded Fund Launch
Dave Brown reports on Global X Funds’ launching of Global X Uranium (NYSE:URA) an exchange-traded fund linked to the uranium mining industry.
Number Four: Lithium World Class Deposit
Dave Brown explains the unique geology associated with lithium deposits and what constitutes a world class deposit.
Number 5: Potash to be a Top Pick in 2011
Leia Michele Toovey reports on Scotiabank’s positive outlook for potash prices this year.
Number 6: China Set to Control Moly Production
Michael Montgomery shows how the moly market “may be affected by China’s decision to classify the metal as ‘national mining resource,’ limiting the mining and export of the metal in the same fashion as rare earth elements.”
Number 7: Rare Earth Prospects Heating Up
Michael Montgomery reports that “mining companies around the globe are looking for economically feasible projects to cash in on a market that has reached an event horizon of sorts, where demand will outpace supply in the foreseeable future.”
Number 8: Potash and Phosphate Producers Upgraded
Leia Michele Toovey reports that this year many potash and phosphate producers “have enjoyed a steady ascent of stock prices despite overall volatility in the markets.”
Number 9: Investing in Rare Earths: Restraint is Essential
Michael Montgomery warns investors that while rare earths as a resource investment sector is hot now, the potential for great risk is as real as the potential for great profits.
Number 10: Silver at $21 an Ounce: Buy, Sell or Hold?
As silver prices broke past 30-month highs on the way to 30-year highs in September, Melissa Pistilli explores whether investors should buy, sell or hold. Looking back, silver was still a good investment at those prices!