US Silver Jewelry Sales Rose in 2014

Silver Investing

The Silver Institute reported that according to a survey conducted on its behalf, silver jewelry sales in the United States rose in 2014.

The Silver Institute reported that according to a survey conducted on its behalf, silver jewelry sales in the United States rose in 2014.

Survey highlights include:

  • 67% of jewelry retailers said that their silver jewelry sales increased in 2014, with an average increase of 17%.
  • Retailers said that their silver jewelry sales, as a percentage of their overall jewelry sales, were on average 34% of their unit volume and 30% of their dollar volume.
  • The best maintained margins during the holiday season were as follows:
    • Silver Jewelry: 43%
    • Diamond Jewelry: 31%
    • Bridal Jewelry: 19%
    • Gold Jewelry: 7%
    • Platinum Jewelry: <1%
  • 89% of retailers say they are optimistic that the current silver boom will continue for the next several years.
  • Retailers reported that female self-purchases provided the best selling opportunity and the 20-40 age group bought the most silver jewelry in 2014.

Click here to read the full report from the Silver Institute.

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