Palladium Demand Forecasted to Grow

Precious Metals

Mining Weekly reported palladium demand will grow by 2.3% a year, compared with a 5%-a-year growth between 1981 and 2010.

Mining Weekly reported palladium demand will grow by 2.3% a year, compared with a 5%-a-year growth between 1981 and 2010.

As quoted in the market news:

Palladium had seen a surplus over the past six years, owing to Russian stock supply, Hochreiter said; however, a shortfall of palla- dium was experienced last year. Supply in 2010 was 7.290-million ounces, 2.575-million ounces of which originated from South Africa, while demand reached 9.625-million ounces, compared with the 7.850-million-ounce demand in 2009.

Click here to read the full Mining Weekly report.

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