White Gold Corp. (TSXV:WGO,OTC:WHGOF,FWB:29W) has been featured in a sponsored article published by the Mining Journal.
White Gold Corp. (TSXV:WGO,OTC:WHGOF,FRA:29W) has been featured in a sponsored article published by the Mining Journal.
The article covered recent results from White Gold’s 2019 exploration program which is comprised of 17,000 meters of diamond drilling, 7,500 meters of reverse circulation drilling and upcoming drill plans. To date, White Gold has identified multiple new high-grade mineralization trends across its JP Ross project and White Gold project in the Yukon’s White Gold district. The new trends were all delineated within 10 kilometers away from last year’s Vertigo discovery area. One of White Gold’s goals this summer is to add more ounces to the VG zone on the company’s QV project, which sits 44 kilometers north of Newmont Goldcorp’s (TSX:NGT,NYSE:NEM) Coffee project.
“Unlike a typical junior mining company, there is no incentive for us to prolong work on a property where we don’t see the potential. We are systematically performing low-cost exploration work across our entire portfolio to guide where further exploration dollars are spent,” said White Gold CEO David D’Onofrio.
To read the full article, click here.