RNC Minerals Announces Additional Positive Drill Results at its Beta Hunt Mine
RNC Minerals announced additional positive infill and exploration drilling results at its Beta Hunt mine. Results are from the Western Flanks and the A Zone Extension drilling.
RNC Minerals (TSX: RNX) announced additional positive infill and exploration drilling results at its Beta Hunt mine in Western Australia. Results are from the Western Flanks and the A Zone Extension drilling and relate to the final underground holes of the 2017 campaign, which targeted infilling and down-plunge extensions of the Beta Hunt gold system.
As quoted in the press release:
Since RNC’s October 19, 2017 news release, 37 additional underground holes totaling 4,238 metres were completed to the end of December 2017. Results continue to show good continuity of gold mineralization along strike and at depth. The Western Flanks gold system is now defined over a strike extent of 900m and a vertical extent of 250m, which extends mineralization 150m below current mine activity and 100m below the existing resource.
Infill and exploration drilling in 2017 totaled 224 holes and 24,789m.
Western Flanks
This recent drilling comprised 23 infill holes and 5 exploration holes, the latter targeting down plunge extensions of the shear-hosted gold mineralization. The most favourable results were received from the infill drill holes.
A Zone Extension
Nine infill holes (872m) were drilled to test the continuity of mineralization below the active mine area. The A Zone Extension is the southern extent of the main A Zone lode mined further to the north. Results confirm continuity of mineralization, though higher grades appear limited to narrow (<20m wide), north plunging shoots.
Mark Selby, president and CEO of RNC, commented:
The latest results with a number of large high grade intersections continue to provide confidence in the continuity and growth potential of Beta Hunt. The growth potential is supported by the 2017 drill campaign, which shows both the Western Flanks and A Zone remain open at depth and along strike. All results from the 2017 campaign will be incorporated into an updated resource model expected to be released shortly.
Click here to read the full RNC Minerals (TSX: RNX) press release.