Renforth Resources Inc. is pleased to advise shareholders that initial petrographic characterization has been completed on 23 thin-section samples.
Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE:RFR, OTC:RFHRF) (“Renforth” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise shareholders that initial petrographic characterization has been completed on 23 thin-section samples prepared from 6 recent drill holes at Parbec. The initial thin-section program successfully simplified the lithology at Parbec, characterized the alteration system and indicated the gold-deposition model for Parbec. In the course of observations done with the support of an optical petrographic microscope, 75 gold grain were observed in 5 samples coming from 5 of the 6 holes investigated. All gold particles observations, except 2 grains were considered “free gold” as textural separated from sulfides.
Renforth will be doing additional thin-section work at Parbec to continue to clarify the geological model, assist exploration and give more insights about the location of gold. A comprehensive overview of this initial program follows.
Parbec Thin Section Summary
This initial thin-section study has led to several conclusions regarding the rock types and deposit model for Parbec. Several of these conclusions are presented following, due to their technical nature/language Renforth has elected to offer a plain language summary to aid the reader, if required.
Intrusions and Hydrothermal Alteration
1. “The diorite, QFP and felsite nomenclatures established during core logging operations, designed to represent colour and textural variations of the various intrusions, were reviewed in detail with petrographic thin section study. The outcome of investigation illustrates that each of the samples of the various intrusives submitted can be considered very similar in terms of primary composition and textural characteristics. They certainly belong to the same weakly fractionated intrusive system.”
a. For Renforth this means we can simplify our logging and geological modelling at Parbec
2. “The biotite bearing alteration assemblage observed in logged core which was identified as diorite is actually an alteration overprint which caused changes in some primary characteristics such as colour, grain size, hardness and density. At the microscopic scale, the evolution of alteration minerals can be represented as a continuum starting at the very end of the magmatic crystallization process. The magnetite + biotite + albite reaction was observed in all samples explaining the destruction of primary k feldspar. This alteration style expands well beyond mineralized trends, and it remains marked by gradual gold enrichment. This alteration culminates in a favourable ground preparation for the deposition of gold mineralization, both chemical and mechanical means.
a. This identifies the mineralization which, based on the samples analyzed, Renforth will be sure to sample in drill holes. In addition, the identification of the alteration package can guide surface exploration and aid in defining the extent of mineralization at Parbec.
Tuff or Sediments?
1. “There is no real tuff lithology in terms of volcanogenic process associated within previously identified ‘tuff horizons’ at Parbec located along the north side of the break. They have been reclassified as sediments as a result of this petrographic study. Evidence of primary textures such as quartzo-feldspathic sub-round clastic grains, lithic fragments and the micro-granular quartz groundmass all advocate for a sedimentary origin.”
a. This conclusion is quite interesting, especially as it comes at a time where the sediments are being looked at as an area of interest outside of the Cadillac Break itself. This also comes with Renforth’s recent success in the sediments at both New Alger and Parbec, and awareness of the property next door to Parbec, the Canadian Malartic Mine property, and its’ location in the sediments, in the contact area with the Cadillac Break.
Deposit Model
1. “The gold related, and gold bearing alteration system probably started with the emplacement of feldspathic dykes with average composition corresponding to a quartz monzodiorite. The Parbec gold system, despite clearly being structurally controlled, is heavily influenced by host rock reactions involving geochemical and mechanical ground preparation”
a. gold emplacement at Parbec is strongly controlled by geochemical alteration creating a favourable environment for gold deposition. Structural forces further enhanced the more competent rocks in the alteration package by creating fractured and brecciated zones where the highest grades of gold are often observed.
2. “Early pervasive alteration is associated with a high oxidation state of the hydrothermal environment, buffered by the ultramafic schist. It has generated secondary magnetite and the mobilization of K and Na. Consequently, large volumes of ultramafic schist were affected by albitization effectively hardening the host rocks making them more favourable to micro-fracturing.”
a. This means that the Break itself, the ultramafic schist material, has become hard and brittle and can be fractured on a small scale. At Parbec this represents a large host area striking across the entire property for potential mineralization. Renforth has observed in drill holes and on surface that numerous small quartz veins and albite enriched zones exist within the schists and can be gold bearing.
3. “The Parbec mineralized system has generated a relatively fine-grained gold deposit with free gold particles of a few dozen microns disseminated mainly in the late carbonate fraction of the alteration system. The mineralized process also evolves with the alteration of biotite to chlorite.”
a. The observation of small scale (in the order of microns) free gold is an important one, this thin section work, and thin-section work to come, will aid in Renforth’s planning of additional metallurgical investigation at Parbec beyond very preliminary comparison work undertaken in 2015.
The petrographic study was prepared using thin section slides manufactured by Vancouver Petrographics Ltd. at the direction of Mr. Martin Demers geo. OGQ from samples of drill core Mr. Demers personally selected from Parbec core held at Renforth’s secure core yard and transported via courier. Mr. Demers used a Leica Laborlux 12 POL S polarizing microscope equipped for transmitted and reflected light. Mineral identification is supported by Mr. Demers’ experience on a large array of gold occurrences and deposits.
Technical information in this press release was reviewed and approved by Martin Demers, geo. (OGQ # 770) a “qualified person” pursuant to NI 43-101. Mr. Demers has 20 years of experience in using petrography at all stages of exploration projects, both for the definition of ore deposits models and for giving an orientation to metallurgical tests. Mr. Demers previously acted as exploration qualified person for Aurizon Mines Ltd from 2004 to 2013 where he was instrumental in the re-opening of the Casa Berardi mine, in the Abitibi region, now operated by Hecla Québec.
For further information please contact:
Renforth Resources Inc.
Nicole Brewster
President and Chief Executive Officer
E: nicole@renforthresources.com
#269 – 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering ON L1V 1B5
Renforth Resources Inc. is a Toronto-based gold exploration company with five wholly owned surface gold bearing properties located in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.
In Quebec Renforth holds the New Alger and Parbec properties, in the Cadillac and Malartic gold camps respectively, with gold present at surface and to some depth, located on the Cadillac Break. In both instances additional gold bearing structures, other than the Cadillac Break, have been found on each property and require additional exploration. Renforth also holds Malartic West, contiguous to the western boundary of the Canadian Malartic Mine property, located in the Pontiac Sediments, this property is gold bearing and was the recent site of a copper discovery. In addition to this Renforth has optioned the wholly owned Denain-Pershing gold bearing property, located near Louvicourt, Quebec, to O3 Mining Inc.
In Ontario Renforth holds the Nixon-Bartleman surface gold occurrence west of Timmins Ontario, drilled, channeled and sampled over 500m – this historic property also requires additional exploration to define the extent of the mineralization.
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Forward Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements and information under applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘plan’, ‘expect’, ‘believe’, ‘anticipate’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’ and similar words referring to future events and results. Such statements and information are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the risks of obtaining necessary approvals, licenses and permits and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in the Company’s securities filings available at www.sedar.com. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and the reader is cautioned against placing undue reliance thereon. Forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided and the Company assumes no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.
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