Gold Mineralization of the Trecesson Pluton-Master Thesis Posted

Knick Exploration Inc. (TSXV:KNX) is pleased to report that Mr. George Yordanov, BSc, MSc,. completed his master’s thesis, Mineralisations Auriferes du Pluton de Trecesson
Knick Exploration Inc. (TSXV:KNX) is pleased to report that Mr. George Yordanov, BSc, MSc,. completed his master’s thesis, Mineralisations Auriferes du Pluton de Trecesson, which is posted on the company’s website via this link
Mr. Yordanov completed his Masters’ studies at University of Montreal on the Trecesson Pluton including age dating, petrographic work and relative comparisons with the Bourlamaque Batholith. Alain Tremblay, Phd,. was the acting supervisor for Mr. Yordanovs’ Thesis.
Of particular note are: Figure 4.9 page 64 an example of a new exploration drill target area developed from the research; Figure 3.20, page 47 and Figure 3.21, page 47 relative age dates and genesis of this area of the gold prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt; Table 4, page 78 comparison between the Trecesson pluton and the Bourlamaque pluton. An example from the table: Trecesson age date 2711 ? 1.2 million (present study) and Bourlamaque 2700 ? 1 million years (Wong et al.1991).
The Trecesson Pluton is host to numerous gold showings most of which have been subjected to little work since the early 1950’s. The showings occur within and near the margins of the Pluton. Mineralization encountered in Knicks’ 2011 and 2017 drill program showed similarities to the ores from the Bourlamaque Batholith.
The Bourlamaque Batholith, host to at least 9 known gold deposits in the Val d’Or mining camp, gave rise to producers and past producers including the Ferderber and Beaufor gold mines.
The Trecesson property covers approximately 75 km? including the 56 km? of the Trecesson Pluton. It is located approximately 70 kilometers north and 10 kilometers northwest of the cities of Val d’Or and Amos, Quebec, Canada, respectively.
Reference: Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Mineralisations Auriferes du Pluton Trecesson de Trecesson, Sous-Province de L’Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, Memoire Presente Comme Exigence Partielle de la Maitrise en Science de la Terre par George Yordanov, Janvier 2017.
NI 43-101 Technical Report, Trecesson Property, Abitibi Area, Amos Region, January 20, 2012 updated on March 25, 2013 by Donald Theberge, Eng., M.B.A.
Le Segment Volcanique Taschereau-Amos-senneterre (Abitibi) et son Potential Metallogenique pour L’Or et Metaux deBase, Project 2015-01, par Stephane Faure 2016, Consorem de Recherche en Exploration Minerale.
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June 21, 2017, Cossette Gold System Extended and Indicates Widths at Its Trecesson Property
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Mar. 28, 2017, Drill Program Commences On Trecesson Property-Cossette Gold System
Gordon N. Henriksen, P. Geo., Vice President of Knick Exploration, is the Company’s qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.
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Jacques Brunelle Gordon N. Henriksen
President & CEO Vice President
Knick Exploration Knick Exploration
536, 3rd Avenue 536, 3rd Avenue
Val-d’Or, Quebec Val-d’Or, Quebec
J9P 1S4 J9P 1S4
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