PolyMet Mining Completes Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
PolyMet Mining Corp. (TSX:POM,NYSEMKT:PLM) has completed and posted its supplemental draft Environmental Impact Statement to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, for the NorthMet Project.
As quoted in the press release:
“The environmental review process in Minnesota is thorough and rigorous,” said Jon Cherry, president and CEO. “Our team of scientists and engineers have worked diligently with the regulatory agencies to improve the project design and complete the analysis and technical studies needed to demonstrate how we plan to extract copper, nickel and platinum group metals in a manner that complies with the law and protects the environment,” he said. “This is a significant milestone in the project’s development.”
The supplemental draft EIS will be published in the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Monitor Dec. 9, 2013, and the Federal Register Dec 13, 2013. The public comment period administered by the co-lead agencies will formally open on Dec. 14, 2013, and continue through March 13, 2014. Three statewide meetings are scheduled in January 2014 at which the co-lead agencies will seek public comment. Meeting details and information on how to participate can be found on the DNR website.
Click here to read the PolyMet Mining Corp. (TSX:POM) press release
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