Investor Confidence Needs An ETF

Resource Investing News

The setting up of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the rare earths metals sector will ensure transparency and will go a long way in bringing in more investors, including institutional buyers. Before we get into the thick of things, here are excerpts from an article in the New York Times by well-known independent metals’ consultant …

The setting up of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the rare earths metals sector will ensure transparency and will go a long way in bringing in more investors, including institutional buyers.

Before we get into the thick of things, here are excerpts from an article in the New York Times by well-known independent metals’ consultant Jack Lifton, that throws some more illumination on the vexed subject.

He writes – “In the last six months, I have been asked repeatedly to work with one group or another – some of them global institutions, others simply local individuals or syndicates in Toronto, Hong Kong, or London – to structure an ETF usually for rare metals in general, but most often for rare earths in particular”.

For complete article, click onto Rare Earth Iinvesting News.

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