TradeTech Forecasts Potential Uranium Supply/Demand Gap

Energy Investing

Marketwire reports on TradeTech’s forecasting on the gap between uranium supply and uranium demand.

Marketwire reports on TradeTech’s forecasting on the gap between uranium supply and uranium demand.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Uranium demand from secondary sources, which today provide about 40 percent of total uranium supply, is expected to drop dramatically to less than 40 million pounds uranium oxide (U3O8) by 2014, as a US-Russian agreement to dismantle and downblend Russian nuclear weapons into uranium for commercial nuclear plants is not expected to be renewed after its 2013 expiration date.

TradeTech’s President, Treva E. Klingbie says:

“This deficit leaves an opening for new uranium production to fill the supply gap and provides an opportunity for uranium producers with low-cost, high-grade mining projects to find a place in the future uranium market.”

Click here to access the entire news release.

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