Blue Sky Uranium CEO: Amarillo Grande Deposit has Potential to be a District-scale Uranium Deposit

Energy Investing

Discussing the Amarillo Grande deposit, Blue Sky Uranium CEO Niko Cacos provides further insight into the company’s leadership and project plans.

Blue Sky Uranium CEO Niko Cacos (TSXV:BSK,OTC Grey:BKUCF) believes that the upcoming maiden NI 43-101 resource estimate for the Amarillo Grande uranium project will put it on the map within a growing uranium market. The project, located in Southern Argentina, has a 140-kilometer trend that has presented uranium occurrences along its entirety.

In the interview below, Cacos highlights the value of the company’s management team in positioning the company favorably within the region through positive relationships and community impacts. He also discusses the company’s next steps for the project, which will include the development of a preliminary economic assessment( PEA) as well as further exploration.

Below is a transcript of our interview with Blue Sky Uranium CEO Niko Cacos. It has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Investing News Network: Please give our investor audience an overview of Blue Sky Uranium and its uranium project in Argentina.

Blue Sky Uranium CEO Niko Cacos: Blue Sky Uranium was formed in 2006 with the objective of exploring and discovering uranium potential in Argentina, a region that has been largely under- and unexplored. Argentina has been known to host large, district-scale deposits, not dissimilar to those found in Australia and Western Africa. Currently we are at the cusp of identifying truly district-wide potential, and we are going to be dealing with a significant project that will capture the attention of the market.

INN: Are there any upcoming project milestones that you’d like to highlight?

NC: In the first week of March, we expect to announce our very first maiden NI 43-101 compliant resource for our Amarillo Grande project, which is situated in Southern Argentina. Measuring over 270,000 hectares, the project spans north to south, for about 140 kilometers at length and 50 kilometers at width. The resource calculation will span the southern tip of this, and we hope it to be quite significant.

Simultaneously, we have conducted exploration activities along this 140-kilometer trend, and we have seen uranium occurrences across its entirety. As such, we are confident that our upcoming resource announcement has the potential to be repeated along the entire trend.

INN: What are the factors that make your company unique?

NC: A big part of what makes a company unique is its management and the experience and knowledge they bring to the table. Blue Sky Uranium is managed by the Grosso Group, of which I am one of the founders. The Grosso Group is a collective of expert explorers and discoverers who identified Argentina’s potential when it opened its borders to international investment 25 years ago. Before then, there had been no exploration in Argentina and the country was ripe for making multiple discoveries.

Since then, the Grosso Group has been responsible for multiple discoveries in the country, including the Gualcamayo gold mine, which is currently under production by Yamana Gold (TSX:YRI,NYSE:AUY). We were also responsible for the Navidad silver deposit — now owned by Pan American Silver (TSX:PAAS,NASDAQ:PAAS) and the largest silver deposit in the world — and the Chinchillas silver deposit, which is now in joint venture with SSR Mining (TSX:SSRM,NASDAQ:SSRM). The fourth discovery — which will be recognized in the next few weeks — will be the Amarillo Grande discovery, a world-class uranium project in Southern Argentina.

INN: Savvy investors know strong management is key to a company’s success. Are there any executives that you would like to highlight on your board and management team?

NC: One person I would like to highlight is Joe Grosso of the Grosso Group, who is the founder and chairman of Blue Sky Uranium. Having operated in Argentina for the last 25 years, he has been able to develop exceptional relationships with the federal, provincial and local governments and throughout the resource industry, which is indispensable for operating in a foreign country. This has allowed us to acquire social license within our jurisdiction and work harmoniously with local resources. That has been our key modus operandi — being able to effectively work and partner with local Argentines as a fellow Argentine organization ourselves.

INN: What is next for Blue Sky Uranium and how does that fit into your long-term plan.

NC: Once we announce our initial resource calculation, the next step would be to develop a PEA in the next six months. With this, we hope to demonstrate the economic potential of the deposit, which we feel should be economic within the current uranium environment.

In parallel, we are going to continue to apply the same model we have used to firm up the initial resource calculation to other areas in our property portfolio and develop many more, demonstrating the district-wide potential for this very exciting uranium discovery.

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The Investing News Network interviews a CEO for an understanding of their perspective on the company, the investment potential of the company and market news related to the company. The information contained here is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of securities.

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