Australia-India Uranium Deal Could Boost Export Revenue by $1.75 Billion
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that a uranium deal between Australia and India could boost export revenue by $1.75 billion.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that a uranium deal between Australia and India could boost export revenue by $1.75 billion.
As quoted in the market news:
An agreement to sell uranium to India is a step closer after a Parliamentary Committee cautiously supported the deal, as long as a series of safety recommendations are met.
While the committee recommended no sale of uranium take place until the regulation of nuclear safety and security at Indian nuclear facilities is addressed, chair, Liberal-National MP Wyatt Roy, said the deal could increase export revenue by $1.75 billion and would be especially lucrative for rural and remote areas.
He said Australia’s uranium mining industry could double in size if the Australia-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement went ahead.
Click here to read the full Australian Broadcasting Corporation report.