Chinese Rare Earth Monopoly Poses Global Problem for Supply Disruptions: IHS

Rare Earth Investing

Energy Global reported that, according to IHS Chemical CEH Rare Earth Minerals and Products Report, there is a growing dependence from manufacturers on rare earths to support certain technologies, which sheds light on issues surrounding the Chinese supply monopoly.

Energy Global reported that, according to IHS Chemical CEH Rare Earth Minerals and Products Report, there is a growing dependence from manufacturers on rare earths to support certain technologies, which sheds light on issues surrounding the Chinese supply monopoly.

As quoted in the market report:

Samantha Weitlisbach, principal analyst of speciality chemicals at IHS chemical, has highlighted how supply disruptions over the last few years have interrupted Japanese automative and electronics industry production, sending shockwaves through the global manufacturing industries that rely on rare earths. These supply shortages also resulted in unprecedented price spikes, impacting global consumers. Hence, other governments have now realised that their national security interests and industrial sectors are vulnerable.

To view the whole Energy Global report, click here.

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