Generation Mining Begins VTEM Max Survey on Nova Scotia Base Metal Project
Generation Mining has reported that final staging is under way for a helicopter-borne survey, of the Company’s Kennetcook, Nova Scotia base metal project.
Generation Mining (CSE:GENM) has reported that final staging by technical crews from Geotech of Aurora, Ontario, is under way for a helicopter-borne Versatile Time-Domain Electromagnetic and magnetics survey, of approximately 1000 line-kilometres, over the Company’s Kennetcook, Nova Scotia base metal (zinc-lead-copper-gold-silver) project.
As quoted in the press release:
The Kennetcook project consists of 1277 claims (200 square km), currently held by the company, in East Hants and Colchester Counties in Nova Scotia. The exploration licenses are parallel to the Kennetcook River, to the northwest, and straddling the low to highland transition along the southwest to northeast trending Rawdon Fault Zone (RFZ). Upon considerable technical review by Stevens Geophysics, compilation, geophysical modelling and interpretation, the company asserts that a 60km segment of the RFZ, and immediate geologic surroundings, has the potential to host large tonnage economic deposits of zinc-lead-silver-copper-gold mineralization accumulated over time from deeply sourced metal rich fluids which were structurally focused by the RFZ.
Click here to read the full Generation Mining (CSE:GENM) press release.