Panoro: Initiation of Drill Targeting Geophysics Survey at Cotabambas
The company said the objective of the survey is to finalize drill targets for the proposed exploration program.
Panoro Minerals (TSXV:PML) has announced the commencement of detailed 3D geophysical survey at zone 1 of the Chaupec target in Peru.
According to the release, the objective of the survey is to finalize drill targets for the proposed exploration program. The Chaupec target contains skarn and porphyry type mineralization located within cluster 2 at the Cotabambas copper project.
As quoted in the press release:
The survey will be completed at the northern area of zone 1, where sills of quartz monzonite composition intrude wide altered bodies of limestones and skarn composed by piroxenes, garnets, magnetite, chlorite and epidot. The associated mineralization is composed of copper oxides, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and bornite sulphides outcropping at surface. The package of sills/skarn is exposed along an area of approximately 450 m by 600 m along the contact of the diorite over thrusting the limestones of the ferrobamba formation.
Click here to read the full Panoro Minerals (TSXV:PML) press release.