Wellgreen Updates on Work at Yukon-based Nickel-PGMs-Copper Project
Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. (TSX:WG) released an update on a drill program currently taking place at its Yukon-based Wellgreen nickel-PGMs-copper project. To date, 1,400 meters of the projected 3,600-meter program have been completed.
Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. (TSX:WG) released an update on a drill program currently taking place at its Yukon-based Wellgreen nickel-PGMs-copper project. To date, 1,400 meters of the projected 3,600-meter program have been completed.
As quoted in the press release:
The current drill program is focused on a combination of infill and infill/metallurgical holes, which are being drilled with the aim to improve confidence in mineralization, upgrade the current resource, and support the Phase II metallurgical program.
The infill/metallurgical program projects seven holes or 1,950 metres of HQ diamond core drilling. The primary objectives of these holes are to obtain samples that can be used for metallurgical testwork in order to support the Phase II metallurgical program, where we are testing to determine viability of producing separate Ni and Cu concentrates and/or further increase the quality of the bulk concentrate (see below for additional information on metallurgical program), and to return infill assay results to improve the confidence of the resource and potentially convert inferred material to measured and indicated. After core retrieval, one half of the core will be shipped to Sudbury, Ontario for metallurgical testing and the remaining half will be split in two – with one quarter of the core to be sampled and analyzed for metal content.
Click here to read the full Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. (TSX:WG) press release.