TNG's Mount Peake Project Enters Final Stages of Environmental Approval
TNG Ltd. (ASX:TNG) announced that the mine site component of its flagship Mount Peake vanadium-titanium-iron project has entered into the final stages of the environmental approval process. Mount Peake is located in Australia’s Northern Territory.
TNG Ltd. (ASX:TNG) announced that the mine site component of its flagship Mount Peake vanadium-titanium-iron project has entered into the final stages of the environmental approval process. Mount Peake is located in Australia’s Northern Territory.
According to the company, a supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been submitted to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NTEPA).
As quoted in the press release:
The Mount Peake Project comprises a mine and processing facility to be located at Mount Peake, approximately 235km north-northwest of Alice Springs and 50km north-west of Ti Tree, and the Darwin TIVAN® Process Plant, to be located at the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct, some 16km to the south-east of Darwin.
The Mount Peake mine site and processing facility includes a proposed open-cut mining operation, waste rock dump, ore processing plant, tailings storage facility, water dams, gas-fired power station, accommodation village, site access roads, Stuart Highway underpass, rail load-out facility and bore-field.
Environmental approvals for the mine and Darwin-based plant are being progressed separately, reflecting both their geographical separation (1,400 km) and the fact that significantly different environmental and social issues need to be addressed at the two locations. The mine and Darwin plant were referred separately to the NTEPA, which determined that both required assessment under the Northern Territory Environmental Assessment Act 1982 (EA Act) at the level of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The mine and Darwin plant were also separately referred to the Commonwealth Department of the Environment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Both were determined to be controlled actions with assessment by accredited assessment under the EA Act.
Click here to read the full TNG Ltd. (ASX:TNG) press release.