Honey Badger Exploration Stakes Additional Ground at its Silver Mountain and Mink Properties
Honey Badger Exploration (TSX-V:TUF) (“Honey Badger” or the “Company”) has staked an additional 6 mining claims around its existing land package near the historic Silver Mountain and Mink mines. The additional claims were staked to optimize the coverage of structures interpreted by the Company to control polymetallic silver mineralization in the area. About the Thunder …
Honey Badger Exploration (TSX-V:TUF) (“Honey Badger” or the “Company”) has staked an additional 6 mining claims around its existing land package near the historic Silver Mountain and Mink mines. The additional claims were staked to optimize the coverage of structures interpreted by the Company to control polymetallic silver mineralization in the area.
About the Thunder Bay Silver District
Honey Badger has now secured a strategic land position in the under-explored Thunder Bay Silver District that shares many similarities with the Cobalt District.
The geological controls and host environment of the polymetallic silver occurrences and mines of the Thunder Bay District compare well to the geological controls on mineralization and host geological environment of the polymetallic silver veins of the Cobalt District.