Determine and Axbility Consulting Partner to Expand Determine’s Cloud Platform’s Global Access

Fintech Investing

Determine (NASDAQ:DTRM) announced that it has signed a partnership agreement with Axbility Consulting that lets Axbility to be a part of DetermineAlliance’s partner program. As quoted in the press release: Axbility Consulting, headquartered in New York City, is the North American subsidiary of Axys Consultants, a major player in management consulting with 215 consultants with …

Determine (NASDAQ:DTRM) announced that it has signed a partnership agreement with Axbility Consulting that lets Axbility to be a part of DetermineAlliance’s partner program.

As quoted in the press release:

Axbility Consulting, headquartered in New York City, is the North American subsidiary of Axys Consultants, a major player in management consulting with 215 consultants with an annual turnover of $31 million. Axbility will provide Certified Solution Integration services for Determine across industry sectors, with a focus on organizations throughout North America. In addition, Axbility will open up market opportunities to Determine for businesses interested in digital transformation with leading source-to-pay and enterprise contract management technology solutions.

“We are proud to reinforce our historical partnership with Determine and to extend it to the North American market. Together, we are targeting large local and international companies that need to improve their operating effectiveness focusing on procurement digitization and innovation. With our ability to conduct the change management on these high value projects, we support our customers to accelerate their processes and transform their organization,” said Erwan Clorennec, CEO of Axbility Consulting.

Determine and Axbility Consulting share the same business focus on assisting companies to achieve operational excellence and process efficiency through digitalization, organizational alignment, management agility and technology automation. The procurement practice at Axbility Consulting includes 40 high-level experts dedicated to enhancing the maturity and performance of Procurement departments, something they will now do by leveraging the best-in-class modular solutions, including Procurement, on the Determine Cloud Platform.

“This powerful partnership covering North America and Europe bolsters Determine’s global implementation capabilities. We look forward to maximizing our combined, unparalleled strengths through this exciting new partnership in North America, and parlaying that momentum across more industries. Bringing together our shared focus, creativity and innovation gives source-to-pay organizations a fast track to all the possibilities of digital transformation and operational agility,” said Gerard Dahan, global chief revenue officer of Determine.

Click here for the full text release.




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