VIDEO - Robert Delamar: Using Commercial WiFi to Detect Mass Weapons

Cyber Security Investing
Security Investing

Robert Delamar shares how First Responder Technology uses commercial WiFi to operate within the security landscape.

Robert Delamar, CEO of First Responder Technologies, told the Investing News Network at the Extraordinary Future Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, about how the early stage security technology company is using commercial WiFi to detect concealed weapons. 

During the conversation, he discussed the core principles behind First Responder and how his previous experience working in Silicon Valley has influenced his work in the security industry.

“We are using commercial WiFi meshed on the perimeter of real estate premises, essentially at the border of a soft target like a school, a theater or some other place that is susceptible to mass shootings or terrorist events,” said Delamar. “And the commercial WiFi is used to detect concealed weapons.”

Delamar added that First Responder was founded by a former RCMP officer.

“He had a heart for trying to find a way to capture what they call ‘the magic 10 or 15 seconds’ in the context of a crisis situation. And the idea was if you can provide a first responder with better information and analytics before they run into a threatening situation, the end result can save lives.”

Delamar also touched on the challenges faced by early stage technology companies.

“The question is, ‘Can you build a platform and then a company around it to support prototyping, and then later the initial market entry?’ Because there’s so many phases that you can fail in the development of early stage companies.”

While still in the lab phase, First Responder has plans to be brought to market in the near future.

Watch the video above for more on what Delamar had to say, and stay tuned for more of our Extraordinary Future video coverage. Our full playlist for the event can be found on YouTube.

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Securities Disclosure: I, Dorothy Neufeld, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article. 

Editorial Disclosure: First Responder Technologies is a client of the Investing News Network. This article is not paid-for content.

The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.

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