Identillect’s success continues with Bar Associations in the US

Cyber Security Investing

Identillect Technologies Corp (TSXV:ID) announced today its continued success with Bar Associations across the United States. The company is a leading provider of email encryption service Delivery Trust empower enterprises of all sizes to protect their business and their client’s critical information against cyber security attacks. Identillect said that it is actively engaged with multiple Bar …

Identillect Technologies Corp (TSXV:ID) announced today its continued success with Bar Associations across the United States.

The company is a leading provider of email encryption service Delivery Trust empower enterprises of all sizes to protect their business and their client’s critical information against cyber security attacks. Identillect said that it is actively engaged with multiple Bar Associations to emulate partnership it has forged with Arkansas Bar association and their progressive approach to combat cybercrime by providing secure communication to Bar members.

As quoted in the press release:

Identillect has launched a campaign to service Bar Associations throughout the United States to provide education and the tools necessary to secure sensitive legal communication. The campaign is already a success, with multiple bar associations already in contact with Identillect to address their cyber security needs. There are twenty-eight state Bars which have adopted language mandating that the duty of competency in representation extends to technological competence. “To maintain the requisite knowledge and skill, a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, engage in continuing study and education and comply with all continuing legal education requirements.”

Identillect CEO Todd Sexton will be presenting at the June 15th Arkansas Bar 120th Annual Meeting, speaking on cyber-security and the increased ethical awareness lawyers must consider when communicating electronically. Identillect will also be providing ongoing educational webinars for Arkansas bar members on cyber-security as part of the complete partnership and implementation of the secure communication program.

Brian Rosenthal, Co-Chairman of the Bar’s Member Benefits Committee stated, “We have been pleased with the Identillect relationship for cybersecurity education and the deployment of Delivery Trust. Having Todd Sexton participate as a guest speaker on cybersecurity at the annual meeting will bring more awareness and education to Bar members on how to protect their electronic communication.”

Identillect CEO Todd Sexton states, “Identillect is pleased with the success it is having with the Arkansas Bar Association and we believe we will continue to see growth through the education program being deployed. Furthermore, the partnership progress with additional state bars should see further growth in the legal sector for 2018.”

In addition to law firms being motivated to increase security measures, clients are demanding cyber protection measures are taken as they must comply with their own industry regulations. “Clients are now seeking greater urgency in what law firms and in-house legal departments are doing to ensure they are protected from cyber-attack. Many lawyers fail to realize their sensitive information can be exposed to breach and intrusion particularly as there are increased breaches.” There is pressure from all sides for the legal community to advance security measures.

Click here for the text release.

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