Ideal Power Receives 1.1 Megawatt Purchase Order for its SunDial™ Plus Inverters

Cleantech Investing

Ideal Power (NASDAQ:IPWR), an innovative power conversion technology company that delivers innovative solutions to the system integrators and project developers have received a 1.1-megawatt purchase order. The company received the order for its SunDial Plus products for a power plant at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, IOWA. As quoted in the press release: …

Ideal Power (NASDAQ:IPWR), an innovative power conversion technology company that delivers innovative solutions to the system integrators and project developers have received a 1.1-megawatt purchase order.

The company received the order for its SunDial Plus products for a power plant at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, IOWA.

As quoted in the press release:

The project represents NEXTracker’s first large-scale installation of the NX Flow solution.

The project, led by Iowa-based Ideal Energy will be built on University land and, when completed, is projected to be one of the largest solar-plus-storage power plants in the state, producing enough energy to cover nearly a third of the University’s annual electricity usage. In addition to those savings, NX Flow will use peak-shaving to significantly reduce MUM’s utility bill during high-demand times.  According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Iowa has relatively high demand charges (typically above $20/kW).

NX Flow’s energy storage system integrates battery, solar tracker, inverter and software technologies to improve return on investment for owners of solar power plants. At the core of the system lies Ideal Power’s SunDial Plus inverters and an advanced vanadium flow battery (VFB), which is DC-coupled with the photovoltaic array. With NX Flow, the battery charges directly off the array, enabling the battery to store “clipped” energy up to its capacity limit. DC-coupling allows PV energy production formerly lost to clipping, where the DC rated power feeding the inverter exceeded the inverter rated power, to be stored directly in the batteries and used to generate additional kilowatt-hours of revenue.

“We are thrilled to be a part of this ground-breaking renewable energy solution located outside of California, the initial market for energy storage solutions in the US,” said Ideal Power CEO Dr. Lon Bell. “Early adopters like Maharishi University of Management will now serve as the blueprint for the future of solar + storage solutions in the US.”

Click here for the full text release.

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