Goldcorp Forecasts Silver Output for 2013 Between 29 Million and 31 Million Ounces

Silver Investing

Mineweb reported that Goldcorp forecasts its silver output will be between 29 million and 31 million ounces and are adopting an “all-in sustaining cash cost strategy.”

Mineweb reported that Goldcorp forecasts its silver output will be between 29 million and 31 million ounces and are adopting an “all-in sustaining cash cost strategy.”

As quoted in the market report:

Cash costs are forecast at between $525 and $575 per ounce on a by-product basis and between $700 to $750 per ounce on a co-product basis. At metals prices of $27.60 per ounce of silver, $3.50 per pound copper, 94-cents per pound zinc and 94-cents per pound lead, Goldcorp has forecast an average five year by-product cash cost to remain below $500/oz.

To view the whole Mineweb report, click here. 

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