South Africa Needs Platinum Exchange

Resource Investing News

Mining Weekly reported Pan-Arican Capital CE, Iraj Abedian argues that South Africa needs to create a platinum exchange to bring stability to the suffering industry.

Mining Weekly reported Pan-Arican Capital CE, Iraj Abedian argues that South Africa needs to create a platinum exchange to bring stability to the suffering industry.

As quoted in the market news:

Abedian, who addressed the Mining for Change 2012 seminar in Johannesburg on Tuesday, says that without a platinum exchange South Africa’s platinum-mining industry will continue to be characterised by boom-and-bust.

He believes that South Africa should create exchanges for all commodities where it is the dominant supplier and holds up Canpotex, a marketing and logistics company that sells and delivers Saskatchewan potash to international markets as a wholly owned entity of potash producers, as a model worth emulating.

Click here to read the full Mining Weekly report.

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