Writing for Sprott’s Thoughts, David Franklin said today that he believes the long-term fundamentals for platinum-group metals (PGMs) are bullish, largely because air quality in China has reached “emergency levels.”
Writing for Sprott’s Thoughts, David Franklin said today that he believes the long-term fundamentals for platinum-group metals (PGMs) are bullish, largely because air quality in China has reached “emergency levels.” Catalytic converters, which convert emissions into less harmful substances, use PGMs and will play a large role in reducing the country’s air pollution.
As quoted in the market news:
Either by cleaning emissions or reducing them to zero, it is clear that catalytic converters will play a major role in the global push to improve air quality. Further, after much time and many false starts, it appears that widespread adoption of fuel celled powered vehicles is close to becoming a reality. Both of these developments are bullish for the long-term fundamentals for PGMs and highlight why platinum and palladium products should have a place in your portfolio.
Click here to read the full report from David Franklin.