Sojourn Provides Preliminary Update of Exploration Activity on B.C. Porphyry Copper-Gold Projects

Sojourn Exploration Inc (TSXV:SOJ) (OTC Pink: SJRNF) (“Sojourn” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce preliminary results of reconnaissance geological mapping, geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys on four of its B.C. porphyry copper-gold projects, including the Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects in B.C.’s prolific Golden Triangle.
Sojourn Exploration Inc (TSXV:SOJ) (OTC Pink: SJRNF) (“Sojourn” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce preliminary results of reconnaissance geological mapping, geochemical sampling and geophysical surveys on four of its B.C. porphyry copper-gold projects, including the Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects in B.C.’s prolific Golden Triangle. Results include:
- A significant chargeability anomaly has been outlined underlying the Yellow Bowl Zone at Todd Creek, a three kilometer long corridor of gossans, altered volcanic and porphyritic intrusive rocks, and copper-gold occurrences which have never been tested by drilling.
- Multiple new chalcopyrite occurrences in porphyry and breccia were discovered by prospecting at Oweegee Dome, extending the footprint of the Delta porphyry target up to 1.7 km beyond the area of historical drilling.
- Outcropping porphyry copper-gold mineralization has been recognized at the Oxide Peak project, an undrilled grass roots project 55 km north of Centerra Gold Inc.’s Kemess camp in the Toodoggone porphyry-epithermal copper-gold district.
Maps for the projects are included in the latest Sojourn technical presentation, which can be downloaded from the company website:
Todd Creek
A first phase six kilometer time domain induced polarization survey was conducted by Simcoe Geoscience on Sojourn’s Todd Creek project, located about 40 km southeast of Seabridge Gold Inc.’s KSM porphyry copper-gold project. The survey indicates a significant chargeability anomaly underlies the Yellow Bowl zone, an approximately 3 km strike length corridor of strongly altered and variably Cu-Au mineralized intermediate volcanic rocks, porphyritic intrusions and associated breccias of likely Lower Jurassic age. Historical rock chip sampling of the Yellow Bowl zone includes Cu assays up to 6.7% and Au values up to 1.7 grams per tonne. These historical assays have not been verified by Sojourn. Fifty-two rock samples were collected across the Yellow Bowl target area during the 2018 reconnaissance program and focused on recently deglaciated exposures of chalcopyrite bearing hydrothermal breccias. The occurrences contain clasts of multi-brecciated quartz-chalcopyrite veins in a matrix of pyrite and chalcopyrite. These mineralized breccias are often spatially related to strongly altered porphyritic intrusions and associated hydrothermal-magmatic breccias. Local molybdenite veining has been observed in these porphyritic intrusions; the first time that porphyry style mineralization has been documented at Yellow Bowl. Despite its size and the presence of widespread Cu-Au occurrences, the Yellow Bowl zone has yet to undergo drill testing. The company aims to conduct a partner funded, first phase drill test of Yellow Bowl for an underlying porphyry copper-gold system in 2019.
Rock sampling and reconnaissance geological mapping approximately 5 km southeast of the Yellow Bowl has confirmed the presence of outcropping volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) style mineralization, hosted by mafic volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks of interpreted Middle Jurassic age. Sampling of the zone by previous workers yielded grades up to 0.62 g/t Au, 3.73% Cu, and 9.77% Zn. These historical assays have not been verified by Sojourn. Assays for rock samples collected during the 2018 reconnaissance program are pending. The occurrence of widespread tuff breccias containing massive sulfide clasts suggests the footprint of VMS style mineralization in the zone is larger than previously thought. The zone was discovered in 2008 and has not been drill tested.
A new zone of rhyolite breccia was discovered on the eastern side of the Todd Creek valley in recently exposed terrain at higher elevation dubbed the Smokin’ zone. The rhyolite breccia is approximately 30 m true thickness and strata-bound between a calcareous laminated mudstone footwall and mafic volcanic hanging wall of interpreted Middle Jurassic age. Rhyolite clasts are set in a matrix of very-fine sooty pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcedonic quartz, open-space vugs and minor carbonaceous material (coal), indicating a shallow subaqueous environment. Nineteen samples were collected with assays pending.
Ninety-three rock samples were collected across the Todd creek project during the 2018 field program. Assay results will be reported once received and reviewed for quality assurance.
Oweegee Dome
A preliminary 2 kilometer time domain induced polarization survey was conducted by Simcoe Geoscience on Sojourn’s Oweegee Dome project, located 45 km east of Seabridge Gold Inc.’s KSM porphyry copper-gold project. The property is contiguous with mineral tenures owned by Seabridge and is bisected by Highway 37 and the Northwest Transmission Line. Results for the 2018 IP survey are pending. Reconnaissance prospecting, mapping and sampling during 2018 yielded the discovery of multiple new outcropping zones of porphyry copper-gold mineralization up to 1.7 km from the known Delta porphyry copper-gold target and indicate the footprint of porphyry copper-gold mineralization on the property is larger than previously recognized. Assays for 75 rock samples from the property are pending. Future work on the project will include further geological mapping, geochemical sampling, and geophysical surveys with the aim of outlining the extent and prospectivity of these newly discovered zones.
Reconnaissance geological mapping and sampling was conducted at Sojourn’s 100% owned Willoughby project, an intrusion related Au-Ag system located 7 km east of and adjacent to IDM Mining’s Red Mountain project. The Red Mountain project has recently reached a major permitting milestone, having recently received an environmental assessment certificate from the provincial government. Historical drilling on the Willoughby project has intersected significant Au-Ag mineralization, with intervals up to 20.5 m of 24.98 g/t Au and 184.21 g/t Ag (drill hole 89-06, North Zone). These historical assays have not been verified by Sojourn. Assays for rock samples collected during the 2018 reconnaissance program are pending.
Oxide Peak
Reconnaissance geological mapping and sampling was conducted at Oxide Peak, an undrilled porphyry copper-gold project located approximately 55 km north of Centerra Gold Inc.’s Kemess camp. Outcropping porphyry copper mineralization was recognized on the property at low elevations within Oxide Creek. Mineralization comprises a well-developed quartz-magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite stockwork hosted in a monzodioritic hydrothermal magmatic breccia. A strong chlorite-epidote-pyrite overprint, along with high pyrite to chalcopyrite ratios, suggest higher copper-gold grades could exist at depth or laterally in unexposed zones of potassium-silicate altered porphyritic intrusions and associated breccias. Exploration plans for the property in 2019 include additional geological mapping and lithogeochemical sampling, an airborne magnetic survey, a time domain induced polarization geophysical survey, and a first phase drill program.
Reconnaissance geological mapping and sampling was conducted at Rip, a porphyry copper-gold project located approximately 30 km northeast of Imperial Metals’ past producing Huckleberry mine. Mapping confirmed the presence of well developed porphyry copper style mineralization hosted by quartz-feldspar phyric intrusive rocks and hornfelsed sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks of interpreted Late Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic ages, respectively. Intense stockwork mineralization comprises early magnetite-chalcopyrite veins cross-cut by quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Exploration plans for the property in 2019 include an airborne magnetic survey, a time domain induced polarization geophysical survey, and a first phase drill program.
Discussions with potential funding partners with a view to drill testing multiple projects in 2019 are ongoing, and several property tours with potential funding partners have been conducted. Additionally, a 2018 USA exploration program, designed to target high grade porphyry Cu-Au and Au-Ag (Carlin, skarn and epithermal) opportunities, will be commencing in the fourth quarter of 2018.
Sojourn Exploration President Tyler Ruks stated: “Sojourn’s Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects are within striking distance of some of largest porphyry copper-gold deposits in North America. Furthermore, our Willoughby Project, host to numerous significant historical Au-Ag surface and underground drill intercepts, is located just 7 km east of IDM’s Red Mountain project, which recently received its environmental assessment certificate from the provincial government; a significant development milestone for the project (IDM Mining News Release October 9, 2018). The results of our 2018 program indicate that interpreted Early Jurassic volcanic and porphyritic intrusive host rocks to Todd Creek’s Yellow Bowl zone contain one of the largest untested Cu-Au systems in the Golden Triangle. Our 2018 Yellow Bowl IP survey suggests the potential for an underlying Cu-Au target of significant size. Furthermore, 2018 field activities at Todd Creek confirmed the presence of significant outcropping VMS mineralization 5 km southeast of the Yellow Bowl zone. Interpreted Middle Jurassic host rocks to this VMS mineralization are potentially correlative to those of the past producing Eskay Creek mine, which was one of the highest grade gold-silver mines in the world. The Yellow Bowl and VMS targets at Todd Creek have attracted considerable attention from several notable mining companies. As such, we are confident that we will be successful in securing partners for drill testing one or a number of our BC projects in 2019.”
In 2018, Sojourn entered into two major property agreements with Seven Devils Exploration and Millrock Resources, giving it a portfolio of seven B.C. gold and copper-gold porphyry projects, including one of the largest land positions in the Golden Triangle of northwestern B.C. (see news release, August 9, 2018). In addition, the Company brought in a new management team: Tyler Ruks as Chief Executive Officer and President, Nigel Luckman as Chief Operating Officer, Jeff Kyba as Vice President Exploration (see news release, September 14, 2018). John Bradford will serve as Chief Geologist. This renowned exploration team has a track record of discovery and a successful history as project generators, having recently explored with Freeport McMoRan, Robert Friedland, ITOCHU and Antofagasta. The Company is focused on becoming the pre-eminent North American project generator, with an initial focus on British Columbia and the Company’s highly prospective Golden Triangle properties. The Company closed a placement of $2.8 million on Sept. 14th, 2018 (news release of September 18, 2018) in order to fund ongoing exploration of these projects.
Historical assays have not been verified by Sojourn but have been cited from sources believed to be reliable. Sojourn’s disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Jeff Kyba, PGeo, Vice President Exploration, and John Bradford, MSc, PGeo, Chief Geologist, both of whom serve as Qualified Persons under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.
For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695
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Investors are cautioned that Sojourn Exploration Inc. has not verified the data from the KSM and Eskay Creek deposits. Further, the presence and style of mineralization on these properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the Sojourn Exploration Inc. properties.
This news release contains statements about Sojourn’s expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although Sojourn believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and Sojourn undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this release.
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