Barkerville Announces Bonanza Ledge Mine Startup

Gold Investing

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (TSXV:BGM) has started operations at its Bonanza Ledge Mine near Wells, British Columbia.

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (TSXV:BGM) has started operations at its Bonanza Ledge Mine near Wells, British Columbia.

According to the press release:

The first production blast was achieved Mar. 12, 2014, and approximately 70,000 m3 of NAG (non acid generating) waste has been trucked to the waste dump to date. Waste rock mining for pit development will continue, with the first ore rounds expected within a week. Ongoing geological mapping and sampling will be used to better define the ore limits as the pit develops. Site access roads have been maintained over the winter by the Company and prime contractor RokTek Services Inc. started pit area snow removal and overburden stripping on Feb. 05, 2014.

Barkerville President and CEO J. Frank Callaghan stated:

The commencement of Bonanza Ledge mining operations signifies a great day for the mining industry in B.C. and couldn’t have been achieved without our partners in government and stakeholders within the surrounding communities. The Company is excited to bring the Bonanza Ledge Mine into production as it will be a positive economic driver within a rural area in the province of British Columbia.

Click here to view the full press release. 

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